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past events


Worrier to Warrior | April 14, 2024

Speaker: Liz Kelly, Mary Lenaburg

Testimonial: Felicia Raso

MC: Nancy Tucci

Location: The Royalton Hospitality Inc., Woodbridge 

Perseverance is Power  | Feb. 4, 2023

Speakers: Heather khymDr. Josephine Lombard, and Celeste Giraldo Estrada

MC: Felicia Raso

Music: Gigetta Rizzo

Location: The Royalton Hospitality Inc., Woodbridge

Channels of Peace  | April 29, 2022

Speakers: Dr. Josephine Lombard, Julia Kozak and Sr. Maria Guadia of the Sister of Life

MC: Felicia Raso

Music: Unbound Love - Anna DeCicco, Julia DeCicco, MaryIda DeCicco, Angela Mazza 

Location: St. Peter's Parish, Woodbridge

I’m Not Perfect, You’re Not Perfect, but it’s OK | April 17, 2021
Speakers: Colleen Carrol Campbell, Dr. Josephine Lombardi, and Celeste Giraldo Estrada 
MC: Mary Filangi
Music: Gigetta Rizzo

Location: Online

Be Not Afraid | April 18, 2020

Speakers: Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Celeste Giraldo Estrada

Prayers: Fr. Peter Choi 

MC: Mary Filangi 

Music: Matt Maher - Lord I need You 

Location: Online

Living Truth, Beauty and Goodness | April 13, 2019

Beginnings: Mary Filangi
Speaker: Fr. Michael Della Penna and Dr. Josephine Lombardi 
Testimonial: Gizela Cardoso 
MC: Celeste Estrada Giraldo  
Prayers: Fr. Peter Choi 

Location: Royalton Hospitality Inc. 


Daring to Reflect My True Image | April 15, 2018
Prayers: Fr. Peter Choi
Beginnings: Mary Filangi
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi
Testimonial: Leah Darrow
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 

Location: Royalton Hospitality Inc. 


The Road to Joy | April 23, 2017
Beginnings: Mary Filangi
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi
Testimonial: Sr. Jessica Dupris, C.P. 
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Royalton Hospitality Inc. 

Loneliness…A Road You Don’t Have to Walk Alone | April 24, 2016
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi
Testimonial: Wendy Russell 
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Premier  Banquet Hall


Embracing the “Genius of Women”  |  May 3, 2015
Speaker – Dr. Patricia Murphy
Testimonial Linda Di Bono 
MC Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Premier Banquet Hall


Do Not Be Afraid | May 4th, 2014
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi 
Testimonial: Frankie Burg – Feret 
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Premier Banquet Hall


Women and Choices | May 5th, 2013
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi 
Testimonial: Josie Fudor
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Premier Banquet Hall


Our God, Our Bodies, Our Church |  May 6th, 2012
Speaker: Teresa Hartnett
Testimonial: Christine Clemente 
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Primavera Banquet Hall


Life and Forgiveness |  May 15, 2011
Theme – Life and Forgiveness
Speakers: Linda Santo – Mary Filangi
Testimonial: Phil Deluliis 
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: Primavera banquet hall


Women, Find Your Purpose and Feed Your Soul  | May 16th, 2010
Speakers: Sr. Christine Minicucci and Norma S. De Castro 
Testimonial: Sandra DeIuliis
MC: Linda Tancredi DiPanfilo 
Prayers: Sr. Christine Minicucci 

Location: The Manor 



Come Follow Me - Friday, October 13, 2023

Speaker: Cardinal Collins, Deacon Roy Mayo and Hedellaine Pastore

MC; Felicia Raso

Music - Gigetta Rizzo

Location: St. Padre Pio Parish, Woodbridge


Divine Conversations - Friday, October 28, 2022 

Speakers: Dr. Anne Jamieson and Celeste Giraldo Estrada 

MC: Felicia Raso

Music: Gigetta Rizzo 

Location: St. Padre Pio Parish, Woodbridge

Ordinary Women Called to Exordinary Lives - The Path to Holiness | Saturday,  November 6, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Anne Jamieson

Location: Online


Living in the Present Moment  | Saturday, October 2, 2021

Speakers: Debbie Herbeck and Leah Perrault 

MC: Mary Filangi 

Music: Anna DeCicco and Julia DeCicco 

Location: Online

St. Joseph, A Righteous Man | May 13, 2021
Prayers: WOW-T team
Speakers: Michael Dobbs and Fr. Pierre Farrigua 
MC: Mary Filangi
Music: Gigetta Rizzo

Location: Online


Staying the Course | February 27, 2021
Prayers: WOW-T team
Speakers:  Mary Lenaburg and Sr. Mary Grace
MC: Mary Filangi
Music: Gigetta Rizzo

Location: Online


Come As You Are | October 24, 2020
Prayers: WOW – T team
Speakers: Cardinal Collins, Dr. Anne Jamieson, and Liv Harrison
MC: Mary Filangi 
Music: Unbound Love Music Ministry 

Location: Online 

Safe In the Arms of a Mother  | May 9, 2020

Speakers: Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Sr. Mary Grace, Celeste Giraldo Estrada,

Priest: Fr. Peter Choi

MC: Mary Filangi

Music: Unbound Love Music Ministry

Location: Online


Seeds of Faith | October 27, 2019 
Speakers: Mary Lenaburg and Sr. Mary Gianna 
Priest: Fr. Pierre Farrugia 

Location: Royalton Hospitality Inc. 


Put God into Your Agenda  | November 4, 2018
Speakers: Susan Gonzc and Celeste Giraldo Estrada
Priest:  Bishop Robert Kasun 

Location: Royalton Hospitality Inc. 


Loving | September 17, 2017 
Speakers: Dr. Josephine Lombardi and Celeste Giraldo Estrada
Priest: His Eminence Cardinal Collins 

Location: Royalton Hospitality Inc. 


Healing Journey Part 2 | September 17, 2016
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi 
Priest: Fr. Peter Choi 

Location: Premier Banquet Hall


Healing Journey Part 1  | September 2015
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi
Priest: Fr. Pierre Farrugia

Location: Carmelina's Daycare



Courage, what does it look like today? | May 27, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Patricia Murphy 


Can Jesus Really Heal and Set Us Free? | January 22, 2021
Speaker: Heather Khym 


Courageous Joy | December 12, 2020
Speaker: Fr. Michael Della Penna


Unbound | September 24/25/26/27
Speaker: Miriam Wright 
Music: Unbound Music Ministry 


Let Love Lead | September 12, 2020
Speaker: Sr. Mary Grace


Standing Firm with Jesus | August 15, 2020 
Speaker: Joan Attard


What is the basis of our dignity - and how can we affirm the dignity of our most vulnerable in these times? | June 27, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Patricia Murphy


Compassion and Cultural Humility | May 30, 2020
Speaker: Frankie Burg – Feret


Nutrition | May 16, 2020
Speaker: Anna DeCicco


Our Lives on Social Media | February 15, 2019 
Speaker: Sr. Helena Burns 


The Power of the Family Unity | January 18, 2019
Speaker: Sabrina Buzzunca 


Battling Fatigue and How it Robs our Joy | November 23, 2018
Speaker: Joan Attard


The Ten Keys to Happiness | May 11, 2018 
Speaker: Sabrina Buzzunca


Understanding Depression and Anxiety | January 19, 2018
Speaker: Sabrina Buzzunca

coffee chats

January 30, 2024

As it is in Heaven

Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

December 19, 2023

Spiritual Warfare: How Angels help us

Speaker: Celeste Giraldo Estrada

November 14, 2023

Prayer: Encountering Joy in Chaos

Speaker: Celeste Giraldo Estrada

June 8, 2023

Theme: The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Speaker: Cardinal Collins

November 10, 2021

Theme: The Experts in Humanity Project

Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

June 10, 2021
Theme: Sacred Heart of Jesus
Speaker: His Eminence Cardinal Collins

April 11, 2021

Theme: Informal discussion on the Film "The First Lady and Her Successors"

Speakers: Dr. Josephine Lombardi 

March 18, 2021
Theme: Informal Questions and Answers
Speaker: His Eminence Cardinal Collins

October 3, 2020
Theme: Informal Questions and Answers 
Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

other events

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Who do you say that I am? 

January 13 2022 to May 2023

Speaker: Celeste Giraldo Estrada 

During Covid - Daily Evening Prayers, Movies, Bible Study, Lenten Mission, Advent Mission, Social

March 2020 to Feb. 2023

Book Club

April 4 to May 30

Facilitator: Joan Attard

Christmas Rosary  | December 16, 2021

Music: Anna DeCicco and Fiona Foo

Mediations: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Mass Celebration | May 31, 2017
Priest: Fr. David Connolly

Lenten Rosary | March 26, 2021
Music: Gigetta Rizzo


Christmas Rosary  | December 18, 2020
Music: Unbound Love Music Ministry


Recitation of Rosary  | August 8, 2020

In-person Prayer Meeting at North Maple Regional Park – Recitation of Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet - with Evening Prayer Group 


Celebration of Holy Mass and Recitation of the Holy Rosary  | May 23, 2020 Virtual 
Priest: Fr. Michael Della Penna

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